So hello bloggers, i know many of our people from bloggers community don't even know about How to find Royalty Free Images or Stock Images.
I think many of the bloggers struggle to find best images for thier blog and end up just seaching from google taking from there. Do you also do that?
If you do that so let's just know that whatever image you are using from google or taking from any other blog. That's all have some sort of copyright in it.
So you are think where is problem then? Yeah i know but here is the big problem if you are creating a unique blog you don't want to get a copyright neither in form of text nor in the form of Images. If you get any copyright not only your blog rating gonna came down but you can get a criminal sanctioned upon you.
And let me tell me one more thing. If you are thinking of monetization of your content then google is not going to monitize it. Because your are going beyond the google policy.
So now if you are developing a site, just look for the images providers that are providing royal free images (it means no credit requires and copyright free), if you use royalty free images your site can be competent to others and will rank also in search engines.
Royalty free images can also be used by those people who are newly in the field of editing and image manipulate, because this is the way of professionalism avoing the copyright issue.
Below are the 12 sites that provides royalty free images :
Flickr is our first choice because of its high quality images and look in professionalism, but there are also some images which look amateur and bad quality.
Note that Flickr doesn't provide fully royalty free images because the owner didn't gave the permission. But there is a option to use the images as a commercial and modifications allowed.
Pixabay must be our first choice beacuse everybody knows it. Its the first choice of every blogger because there are more than 1million royalty free images without copyright and with best quality.
Do you know that youtubes and make editors also use images from here because here not only you get royalty free images but also video, illustrations and vectors. It's very common if you choose this no 1 site in providing royalty free images.
Picwizard is the wizards of more than 1 million stock images and videos. However it is moslty famous for having thier own graphic design software namely 'Design Wizard' where you can edit each image or video.
You don't have to attributes the image or video because it is copyright free.
Just like the lifeofpix also provides the same quality of non copyrighted pictures etc. But the selection of Images on this site is very small.
Pexels also provide HD quality and royalty free images for free, here you can get a large section of Images which is contributed by professional contributors, and beside images in this site you can get videos without copyright.
The main advantage of this site is you can customize the size of the image that you want to download.
This site also provide free stock and royalty free images without copyright, but the main drawback of this site is you have to register to download the image beacuse they do not provide direct download without signup.
Just like on also provides same images but at the same conditions. You have to be member and sign up and create an account to use and download royalty free images.
Gratisograohy is the eight site and it is created by Ryan McGuire, this site has few images only beacuse of the only contributions of Ryan McGuire.
But you can freely download and use the images.
Unsplash site has the tagline for their users "photos for everyone" which is a very line though. The image you get here is also of good quality and professional. You can freely use and download from this site.
And if you want to be creator, you can also add your own photos and can become a contributor.
This is the 10th free copyright image site which provides images with full hd.
Moreover you can get images on the basis of what colur you want for exam if you want a blue colour image, the a photo of premdoninant blue colour will appear.
Picjumboo is the best site to download pictures upto 4k resolution for your blog.
Just like the name the images also resemble to it. Because you will get a jumbo and large size image, do you know the average size of an image downloaded from this site may vary upto 10 Mb. But the image quality you will get is very much satisfying.
Stocksnap site has a very beautiful tagline "Beautiful free stock photos" and i must they also provide a high selection of good quality resolution pictures which is free to be downloaded.
Visit the above 12 websites for royalty free music directly.
So here i have tried to explain the 12 copyright royal free images provider sites that you can choose from, now you can decide yourself which of the image provider site is best for you.
The sites which i mostly use are pixabay, pexels and unsplash, however you can have your favourite image provider, what is your favourite image provider tell us in comments sections below.
Here is an "ADVICE" for our booggers. Above 12 websites, is providing more than one million inages and videos with the advantage of directly editing the picture's and video's there.
So here we discussed about How to find Free Images for your blog. I hope you enjoyed this post. If you have any query comment below and contact us.