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How to Speed Up Your Blogger Blog for Faster Loading

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How to Speed Up Your Blogger Blog for Faster Loading

If your website is loading late then might be out 100 visitors 40 visitors won't wait till it loads. And this will increase the bounce rate of your blog by creating a negative impact for your blog.

You will find in coming days many articles about SEO and Blogging related. Read the article below to find our how to Speed up your Blogger Blog for rank your blog in Google search.

Using Responsive and Fast Loading Blogger Template

I hope you know that when you search on Google for any template with responsive and fast loading, there are hundreds of them. But none of them give you exactly what you want.

Do you know that using Fast and Responsive template not only increase your blog loading speed but it also get good impact on viewes. Today generation is more than 90% traffic coming from mobile phones or tablets. So using a fast and reliable template is very necessary.

For fast and responsive template i will give you below the list that I have personally used in my blogging carreer. And not every template is fast but you have to make it fast by customizing itself.

Compressed All Your Blog Images

Have you ever tried to download your images from your blog. Did you even look at that what size of image you are uploading. I bet you never did. So get and check them after reading this article.

Using images on your blog and even without compressed effect your blog loading speed very much. And when your website speed is low it will affect an negative view on Google and your website will rank low.

So we recommend to always use images after compressed it. You can use our tool to compress the images. Or simply use this tool for image compression. It is totally free and worthy.

Do not use Google Fonts for your Blog

Are you using Google fonts for your blog. Then definitely your blog loading speed is affected by slow. Because when the blog load the fonts CSS loads and take late effect so it directly affect your blog speed.

So we recommend you to remove the Google font code from your blogger blog. For removing it please follow the below steps.

Step 1:- Head to your Blogger dashboard.

Step 2:- Now go to Theme section and click on edit HTML.

Step 3:- Now search for this code in your theme and find a code like below.

<link href='//,600,700' media='all' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>

Step 4:- You just have to remove the code that look like the above given code.

Removing Widget That is Not Useful (Unnecessary Widgets)

Friends we all know that we use some unnecessary widgets for our blog. But do you know because of that your blog loading speed is affected. It just slow down the website.

And most of the new Blogger's do use some widget example Facebook page widget which once I also used for my blog. Any recent post widget or any type of thrid part Widget.

If will affect your blog speed very badly. So for speed up your blog. We recommend you to not use any widget which is not useful for your blog.

Removing Background Images from Blog

If you are using any unnecessary image in background for your blog. Then please remove it because when it loads it will take time. And it affects your blog loading speed.

So I would recommend you to use plain background. Not only this will improve your blog loading speed but also you blog will rank good.

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